Life Sciences Health
Most welcome to NPLSHIG

1Managing Your Energetic Environment to Master Your Life

Most welcome to NPLSHIG

2Personal Growth: How to Raise Your Emotional & Spiritual Vibration

Most welcome to NPLSHIG

3Operating At A Low Vibration? Here Are 5 Ways To Change That.

In Search Of A Good

When you are vibrating at a higher level, you feel lighter, happier, and more at ease, whereas lower vibrations feel heavy, dark, and confused.

Vibration frequency

Everything in life is vibration. High vibrational energy is energy that is good and strong. As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract.

Mental health services

Mental health services will explain any diagnosis being made and will work with you to develop a personal well-being plan (PWP).

In Search Of A Good
Everything in life is vibration.

The life you lead is all about energy.

Our vibration can affect everything that happens around us or to us.Whether you're vibrating at a high or low frequency depends on the physical and emotional feelings that you're experiencing. Low frequencies are often associated with jealousy, resentment, anxiety, desperation, unfulfillment, confusion, extreme fatigue, and unforgiveness. High frequencies are associated with joy, happiness, love, self-awareness, self-discipline, self-love, inspiration, and constant gratitude.

Energy Healing

Our human system is built of many different energy frequencies, each meant to interrelate with the others to allow for harmony and self-healing. As Quantum Science is showing us, our thoughts create various vibrations within our system that have the power to accentuate our own healing capacity - or destroy it.

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Energy Medicine

The work of Bio-Energetics and Energy Medicine is the study and application of various modalities to manage the energy within our system for purposes of improving the health of the human system. Without the use of drugs, radiation or surgical procedures, it seeks to normalize the body’s natural frequencies and communication systems so it can heal as it was innately designed to do.

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Mental health

Good mental health is more than just the absence of mental illness. It means you are in a state of wellbeing where you feel good and function well in the world. According to the World Health Organization, good mental health is when you can: cope with the normal stresses of life; work productively; realise your potential; contribute to the community.

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Working Towards Mental Wellness

We want you and your community to be able to live life to the full.

Service Consulting

Our service

Explore the mystery of vibration frequency, study the methods to change our vibration frequency, carry out psychological health science popularization and intervention treatment.



Testing and evaluating the best approaches to improving mental health in communities and rolling them out as widely a...



Testing and evaluating the best approaches to improving mental health in communities and rolling them out as widely a...



Testing and evaluating the best approaches to improving mental health in communities and rolling them out as widely a...

Providing Mental Health services we have earned a lot Good well over the year

Contact with us

Psychological Test

Our psychological testing methods are guided by specially trained psychologists and follow strict and standardized methods. And the information of the test scale will be kept strictly confidential to scientifically evaluate a person's psychological quality and his potential ability.

Science is showing us that everything is energy - including you! Everything in the universe is comprised of energy vibrating at different frequencies. This energy manifests from subtle, unseen frequencies, to the realm of dense physical matter depending on the rate of vibration.

In the field of Quantum Science, Energy Medicine and Bio-Energetics, we are learning that mastering the management of energy in the body is one of the most powerful, important and foundational things we can do. The amount at which we can manage our energy directly affects our ability to heal and become an effective participant in the creation of our own reality.